I will be moving this weekend out of the town I have lived in for 5 years. It is a little scary. I am excited about the move but gosh this town is my home. I went to college here, became myself, found my friends, and learned how to stand on my own two feet.
love my college. Tarleton State University is home!!!! One of the reasons I love this place is its random traditions. We are rather unique. Homecoming is the best example of this:
Monday Night: Silver Bugle Hunt....teams search the campus for a silver bugle. It was reportedly lost sometime in the 1950's. In order to find it you have to answer questions correctly concerning Tarleton traditions. My brother's fraternity has won for the past couple of years. Their streak is getting a tad bit ridiculous.
Tuesday Night: is a picnic with all the Tarleton students
Wednesday Night: YELL CONTEST. Groups and greek organizations use songs and replace the words with Tarleton Traditions....sounds ridiculous...I know. My sorority won 2 years in a row, and it was the best feeling in the world. The winner gets to start the beating of the drum. The drum is a metal trashcan looking thing that students beat until the game on Saturday. It is supposed to ward off those who would attack the bonfire.
Thursday Night: Midnight Breakfast- or otherwise known as purple pancakes. A part of the Student Government Association makes purple pancakes in honor of homecoming and serves the whole school at midnight
Friday Night: the bonfire...an organization called the Plowboys builds the huge structure in three weeks. Then burns it to the ground on Friday night
I know I just went on a rant about my college but that is just a tiny bit of why I love Tarleton. I am excited to leave but sad at the same time. The place has become a part of me that I just cannot put into words. Y'all totally wanted to hear me rave about a small college in TX but its on my mind. Blogging is supposed to be whats on your mind!!!! Have a fabulous day :-)
Winners of the Silver Bugle Hunt---that thing in the mask is a purple poo (mascot-sort of) |
I am somewhere in this mess doing our chant. I can honestly say one of the best moments in college. |
Midnight Breakfast. |
Purple Pancakes at Midnight Breakfast |
The Plowboys, who build the bonfire. | | | |
The Bonfire (obviously,ha) |
My best friends and I watching it burn down |
Katie, my best friend, and I before it was burned down!! |
Good luck with the move!!! I always try to remind myself that "change is good." :) Sending good move vibes your way!