I am starting this new chapter in my life by starting a blog. I am still playing with the features and the colors. I am not quite sure I like the back ground or the color yet. This should be an interesting project. I am awful with grammar, so please excuse my mistakes. I often type faster than I think, which leads to many mistakes.
For starters, I received my start date for teaching. I will be at New Teacher Orientation, August 4th. I will then proceed to sit in workshops for the next two weeks. I am totally okay with this because after a year of having my head in history books; I need to get back into the education world. If it makes me a better teacher that is a plus. One thing I am worried about is coaching. I have no idea what I am doing so this should be interesting. I will be coaching volleyball and soccer. I know a little bit about soccer but volleyball is a different story. In middle school I had an incident with a volleyball net and feared them ever since. I am now coaching the sport. I am ready to learn but the lack of knowledge on my behalf is a scary concept.
Moving, or otherwise known as a giant pain in the rear. I am excited to be out of Stephenville but the process is painful. I wish I could just blink and all my stuff would be in Fort Worth. It is not likely that I will develop this talent in the next few weeks so packing it is.
My momma bought me Toms for a random present. I am now in love. I, of course, found the most expensive Toms I could find. Momma was not thrilled but Colton needs a new pair for school this fall. I get one pair and Colton gets two. Speaking of that my mom has always been good about being equal with my brother and I. I know I am 22 and should be buying these shoes with my own money but sometimes its nice to let people take care of you. :-) See they are super cute. Problem: I want the purple ones now. I blame my growing shoe addiction on my mother.
The ones I want. |
The ones I have and love. |
I have nothing to do at work so I will keep rambling.
Travel. It is taking a considerable amount of my will power not to blow my saving and jet off somewhere. I know that would not be the responsible thing to do since I want a new car. The problem is that I have this ridiculous need to be in a different location in the world every few months. I have the travel bug bad. I have no idea where this addiction came from. Both of my parents are content in Texas. My mother has thought about moving to a different country for a few years and teaching English. She will always end up back here though. My father is content never leaving his couch, the back porch, or his comfortable bed. Even my brother is perfectly okay with staying on this continent for the rest of his life. I, on the other hand, cannot get the constant desire to run out of my head. I have seriously researched moving to New York, Washington D.C., and my favorite place in the world London. I would miss my family and friends, but think of all the adventures that I could have.
New York |
London |
One of the reasons I want to move to New York is the old tv show
Sex and the City. I know my life would be no where close to the lives of the main characters. If my life was half as interesting or exciting as theirs I would be happy. London is a whole different story. After spending a little over a month in London; I am now hooked. I love the simple lifestyle that comes with London. There is hustle and bustle too. One of my favorite places to do was to go to one of the many parks and read, people watch, then nap. That just doesn't happen in the U.S.. People use their parks and espcially if it is sunny because it rarely is. And come on, its Europe.
Okay, those are the thoughts that are bouncing around in my head.